Kommentar von Thottbotthis is one of my favorite spells in the holy tree. maybe not made stronger but definately more mana efficient stuff needs to be put in place. and a quick heal of 300 whats that gonna do? save your ass for one more hit.
comeon 1500 heal for 600 mana? please (and this is with talents in improved healing). The heals of a paladin are the least mana efficient in the game. I also feel paladins should be given the chance to reserect themselves every 30 mins or an hour like shamans that would make sense. Hammer of Justice also needs to be improved a 1 min cool down can be a pain. Holy shock should be made a learned skill not a talent point like many others have said and I agree with this. Most of protection is crap it needs to be revamped well most of the talent trees in a whole are crap and need to be revamped IMO. My suggestion for a good over all PVE and PVP paladin is the beginning of the holy tree and most of the ret tree. a paladin trying to hold agro? lets be honest this is a very hard task. There is not much of a need for a protection paladin because thats what warriors are for. I also feel that anymore than 16 pts in the holy tree is a waste because the end benefits are crap. Kommentar von ThottbotHoly Shock in my opinion is way too weak.